What is Pneumonia? ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection that directly affects the health of the lungs. Those people whose immune system is weak. Be it children, adults or the elderly, they easily fall prey to this problem. Due to this, cough, cold, fever and accumulation of mucus in the chest arise. From pollution to various types of bacteria present in the environment, it proves to be the main reason for the outbreak of pneumonia. Along with medicines, home remedies and precautions also play a major role in reducing this problem.

The function of the lungs is to inhale oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Inability to breathe fully can cause symptoms of this problem. Those people who are already suffering from any lung problem including bronchitis and asthma. Pneumonia can be fatal for them.

According to the World Health Organization, pneumonia caused by viruses or bacteria is known as acute respiratory infection. Which can cause a fatal disease for people of all ages. In particular, it is emerging as the biggest cause of death of children across the world. According to statistics, more than 808,000 children under 5 years of age died of pneumonia in 2017. People who are above 65 years of age or who are suffering from any kind of health problem. The risk of suffering from this problem increases in them.

Pneumonia: Causes

Pollutants present in the air trigger this problem again and again. Which fill the sacs present in the lungs with fluid and mucus. This increases the problem of congestion. Which proves to be the cause of persistent cough, running nose and shortness of breath. Where increasing mild cold and flu prove to be the cause of viral pneumonia. Whereas bacterial pneumonia also causes difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, Mycoplasma pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia and fungal pneumonia are also its types. Which makes people vulnerable to pollution, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of nutrients and weak immune system.

There are two types of pneumonia

Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP)

This type of pneumonia is also known as nosocomial pneumonia. People who are already suffering from some disease. The risk starts increasing in them. In fact, these bacteria may become more resistant to antibiotics. Which can increase the severity of this type of pneumonia. Those people who are on ventilator. Those people are most at risk. It often starts growing due to bacteria like Staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Community acquired pneumonia (CAP)

This second type of pneumonia is known as community acquired pneumonia. Which is caused by pneumococcus bacteria found in the environment. It can affect a person of any age. Which starts causing cough, breathing problems and fatigue.

Pneumonia: Symptoms

In this disease affecting the lungs, the problem of chest congestion starts increasing. This causes difficulty in breathing. Now the risk of pneumonia increases due to problems in the airways. Pneumonia goes through four stages including congestion, red hepatization, gray hepatization, and resolution.

Frequent cough

In the initial phase, there is frequent cough and pain in the chest while coughing and breathing. After this, phlegm starts coming along with cough which starts causing difficulty in breathing.

Having fever

Many types of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungus, cause fever. This increases the body temperature. Additionally, sweating and severe tremors begin.

Excess fatigue

One experiences extra fatigue while doing any work. One starts feeling pain in the body and muscle cramps. Apart from this, blood pressure also starts increasing.

Diarrhea or stomach ache

There is complaint of mild stomach pain and diarrhea. Apart from this, the problem of frequent nausea and headache starts increasing. In pneumonia, heart beat increases and strange confusion persists.

Pneumonia: Diagnosis

Pulse oximetry

This test helps in checking the oxygen level in the blood in a non-invasive manner. Apart from this, blood test is also done to check pulse oximetry, in which white blood cells are also checked.

Chest CT scan

CT scan is required to know the condition of the lungs. Apart from this, due to excessive cough, sputum is examined.

Chest x-ray

X-rays are also done to detect inflammation and bacterial growth. With this, infections present in the body can be detected in time.

Urine test

The urine of a patient suffering from pneumonia is also tested. This test is done to detect the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae in urine.

Sputum test

Other types of bacteria that are blocking the respiratory tract, including pneumonia. This test is recommended for its diagnosis. Samples of mucus coming out with phlegm are collected.

Pneumonia: Treatment


Pneumonia vaccination is very important to avoid many types of infections. Which reduces the effect of bacteria in the body. For prevention, flu injections are given to children aged 6 months. Apart from this, pneumonia vaccine is given to children aged 2 years or less.

Antibiotics for fever

In case of bacterial pneumonia, aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen can be taken as per medical advice. Which proves helpful in preventing infection.

Consumption of antifungal drugs

If a person is suffering from fungal infection along with pneumonia. So he is given antifungal medicines. This problem is usually seen in patients with comorbidities like diabetes. Such patients can take fluconazole, itraconazole and amphotericin B medicines after consulting the doctor.

Anti virus medicines

These types of medicines prove helpful in fighting any type of virus. Due to this, improvement is seen in the treatment. Those people who suffer from this problem. They should take Oseltamivir influenza virus and Remdesivir Covid medicine only after consulting the doctor.


Acetylcysteine ​​is used as a mucolytic. It is especially used in the treatment of respiratory diseases like pneumonia, COPD and bronchitis. Which loosens and thins the mucus in the airways.

Note: This article has been prepared on the basis of information collected from medical reports from various sources of internet

Disclaimer: All the guidelines have been followed while preparing this article. The related article has been prepared to increase the knowledge and awareness of the reader. T.H.S. does not claim any kind of information and does not take any responsibility regarding the information provided in the article. Consult your doctor for more information about the related disease mentioned in the above article.

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