Are you doing weightlifting after 40? ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Are you doing weightlifting after 40?

However, only after 30, the bone health of women starts weakening. But at the age of forty, when they enter the perimenopause phase, the risk of bone fractures and injuries increases even more.

Many women want to keep their body young and strong, but are afraid of weightlifting for fear of their body becoming bulky. However, weightlifting and strength exercises should be a regular physical activity for women over 40, as it is essential for toning muscles, maintaining bone density, burning fat and maintaining your overall health. . But during this time, a little carelessness can get you injured. To avoid this, it is important to remember some things.

Women in perimenopause are at greater risk of injury

Fitness and wellness expert Yash Aggarwal explains that premenopausal and postmenopausal women are at higher risk of tendon and ligament injuries. For example, the risk of anterior cruciate ligament rupture in the years before menopause is higher in women than in men. The area where women are most at risk of injury is the shoulder, often called frozen shoulder. It is most common in women aged 40-60 years. Changes in sex hormones and lack of collagen often affect women's shoulders.

How to avoid injuries in the gym (weightlifting tips to avoid injuries)

1 -Warm up according to muscles

Warm-up on the treadmill is considered to be five or 10 minutes. This is not a bad idea but if you are going to do any weightlifting then it may be a wrong decision. A good warm-up is very important for any movement. Therefore, it is very important for you to know what would be the best movement pattern according to your muscles.

Suppose it is a lag day and for this you will have to warm up your legs with weights because this will train your legs. The best way to warm up your legs is to do squats. Body-weight squats, squats without weights, or back squats with a barbell without plates are a good option for warm-up.

The second purpose of a muscle-wise warm-up set is to prepare the body for work by sweating. For this you have to first lose weight and then gradually move towards more weight.

2 Start slowly and go faster

Vary the movements in strength training to increase the time the muscles are under tension, which is important for muscle growth. Slow down the lowering phase, aiming for 3-4 seconds per rep. Similarly, control the lifting phase by emphasizing muscle contraction. You can pause the movement a little, include isometric holds in it. Vary the speed of repetitions in sets, starting at a slow pace to tire the muscles, then increasing the speed. Use the pyramid motion, starting at a slow pace and moving towards a faster pace.

These strategies increase muscle activation and help in development. Which improves strength. Varying your speed helps prevent injury.

3 Focus on completing the movement

One of the best ways to prevent injury is to focus on your weakest point and target it while performing a movement. You should focus on full range of motion to maximize muscle growth. Many times we leave the movement midway instead of completing it. It is important to perform a full range of movement to avoid injury.

Note: This article has been prepared on the basis of information collected from medical reports.

Disclaimer: All the guidelines have been followed while preparing this article. The related article has been prepared to increase the knowledge and awareness of the reader. T.H.S. does not claim any kind of information and does not take any responsibility regarding the information provided in the article. Consult your doctor for more information about the related disease mentioned in the above article.

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