What is Multiple Myeloma: Terrible Disease ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

What is Multiple Myeloma: Terrible Disease

A few years ago, famous actress and model Lisa Ray had 'multiple myeloma'. Actually it is a type of blood cancer itself. A person suffering from this disease complains of white blood cells in the blood. In this disease, cancer cells start accumulating in the bone marrow and affect healthy cells as well.

Having 'multiple myeloma' also increases the risk of kidney diseases, as these cancer cells start producing abnormal proteins that interfere with kidney/kidney function.

 Frequent pain in the back or ribs and bones
*  Bone fractures due to 2 minor injuries
*  Feeling weak and tired
*  Frequent infections and fever
*  Feeling excessively thirsty
*  Excessive urination
*  Lack of blood in the body
*  Nausea, confusion, and loss of appetite

Let us know which people are at risk of this disease and how it is treated.

* Excessive consumption of alcoholic substances.

* Usually this disease occurs only after 50 years, but in many cases young people have also fallen victim to this disease.

* This disease makes women more victims than men.

* Bone marrow is most affected in this disease, so this disease is identified by examination of bone marrow, blood test, general tests of liver and kidney.

* Now this disease can be cured to a great extent through normal chemotherapy. On the other hand, it can be completely cured with bone marrow transplant.

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