Curb The Cat @ Your Home ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Curb The Cat @ Your Home

Cats have a reputation for knocking things off counters and shelves. In fact, a quick search online will bring up many a video and comicstrip about cats breaking things by doing exactly this. This can be frustrating for any cat owner. Why do cats insist on breaking our knickknacks? Well, as with most pet behaviors, there are several different reasons your cat likes knocking things over.

Predatory Instincts

Cats, even indoor only ones, have deeply ingrained predatory instincts. This is because they are considered to be "true" carnivores. In fact, cat toys such as wand toys, laser pointers, and kick sticks are fun for your cat because they are an outlet for these instincts. By knocking your pen around your desk they are trying to determine if the pen is potential prey. Cats will also explore their environment with not just their nose but their paws as well. So even things that don't even remotely look like a mouse or bug might get a perfunctory nudge from your cat.

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