Placenta- the protective shield of the baby inside the mother ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Placenta- the protective shield of the baby inside the mother

Placenta meaning ||Placenta means the place that provides both protection and nutrition to the baby in the mother's womb. Simply put, the placenta is the place that connects the baby to the mother. Often women are not fully aware of this important part. Due to this many types of misconceptions and fears disturb women while becoming a mother.

At the same time, it also happens that the importance of the placenta itself is ignored. Whereas the health of both the mother and the child is also related to its health and its normalcy. On this Mother's Day, know what is placenta, why is placenta so important and how its damage can be fatal for the unborn baby.

What is placenta?

The placenta is a large organ that develops inside the body during pregnancy and is usually attached to the top or side of the wall of the uterus. Sometimes in rare cases the placenta can also be at the opening of the uterus. This condition is called placenta previa and it can be harmful to both the mother and the baby. The umbilical cord or umbilical cord serves to connect the baby to the placenta. The blood from the mother's body reaches the baby through the placenta and oxygen, glucose and other nutrients are filtered and passed on to the baby through the umbilical cord.

Protecting the baby from harmful substances:

The placenta isn't just a channel for sending nutrition to the baby. It also filters out substances that may be harmful to the baby and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from the baby's blood. The baby lives in a warm and safe environment inside the placenta.

Production of essential hormones:

During pregnancy, certain hormones are needed by both the baby and the mother, and the placenta helps by producing them. These hormones include important hormones like lactogen, estrogen and progesterone. Another specialty of the placenta is that it works to keep the mother's blood separate from the child's blood and thus the child is saved from many types of infections. Not only this, after the birth of the baby, the placenta also transfers some antibodies with it for the safety of the baby. So that the child's protective shield remains intact till after birth.

Keep these things in mind:

The role of the placenta increases as the baby takes shape in the womb. That's why it is necessary to take care of its safety and health from the very beginning. There are some things that can damage the placenta and put the baby at risk. Be careful about them and consider some important points. As:

Do not consume alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs. All these harmful substances can easily penetrate the placental wall and reach the baby.

Consume nutritious food throughout pregnancy and stay away from stress, anxiety and stress. All these can harm the health of your placenta.

Engage in activities like regular moderate exercise, deep breathing and meditation etc. with the advice of your doctor. Deep breathing has many benefits. Due to this, the level of oxygen in the mother's body becomes smooth. The oxygen level of the child also improves a lot.

Also participate in creative activities like music, painting etc. This will keep your mind cheerful, improve the flow of blood in the body and will have a positive effect on overall health.

If you had a placental problem during your first delivery, tell your doctor early in your pregnancy. This will further enable them to monitor your placenta more closely throughout.

Do not take any type of over-the-counter medicine, supplement etc. on your own.

The placenta is separated from the body within about five minutes to half an hour after the birth of the baby. This process is called the third stage of delivery i.e. third stage of labor. It is important that the entire placenta comes out after delivery. If even a small amount of it remains inside the body and is not removed, there can be a risk of infection and excessive bleeding.

Symptoms of placental problems

Placental problems may present with certain symptoms. Talk to your doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms-

- Have severe pain in the stomach or back

-Sudden bleeding from the uterus or spotting (appearance of blood spots)

- Feeling of tightness or tightness in the abdomen

Any injury to the stomach, etc.

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