Lets Know of Primary Health Care ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Lets Know of Primary Health Care

Primary health care is a society's view of health and well-being as a whole, based on the needs and preferences of individuals, families, and communities. It addresses the more comprehensive determinants of health and focuses on the broader and interrelated aspects of physical, mental and social health and well-being.

It provides full care for health needs throughout life and not just for specific diseases. Primary health care seeks to provide people with comprehensive care, from promotion and prevention to treatment, rehab and palliative care, that is best suited to people's daily environment.

The core of primary health care lies in a commitment to justice and equality and in recognition of the fundamental right to the highest attainable standard of health, as set forth in Section 25 of the Global Declaration on Human Rights: “Everyone should have an adequate provision for him and his family. Right to standard of living, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and essential social services.

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Primary health care has been repeatedly interpreted and defined. In some contexts, it has been given the meaning of an ambulance or the first level of personal health care services. In other contexts, primary health care has been understood as a set of priority health interventions for low-income populations (also known as selective primary health care). Others have viewed primary health care as an important component of human development, focusing on economic, social and political aspects.

The World Health Organization has developed a comprehensive definition based on three components.

(a) Meeting the health needs of people through life-wide promotive, preventive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care, through primary care and on families with a strategic vision as central components of integrated health services Prioritizing critical health care services through targeted and public health actions on the population.

(b) Systematically address the broad determinants of health (including social, economic, environmental as well as people's characteristics and behavior) through evidence-informed public policies and actions in all areas

(c) as an advocate of policies that promote and protect health and well-being, as co-developers of health and social services, and as self-care and caregivers of others, to maximize health for individuals, families and empowering communities.

Why is primary health care important?

Renovating primary health care and placing it at the center of efforts to improve health and well-being is important for three reasons:

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(a) Primary health care is well-positioned to respond to rapid economic, technological and population changes, all of which impact health and well-being. Recent analysis has shown that almost half of the benefits of reducing child mortality in 1990 to 2010 were due to factors outside the health sector (such as water and sanitation, education, economic development).

The primary health care approach examines and changes policies to address the social, economic, environmental and occupational determinants of health and well-being by engaging a broad range of interests. Regarding individuals and networks as key entertainers in creating our own well-being and prosperity is basic to comprehension and reacting to the intricacies of our evolving world.

(b) Primary health care has proven to be a highly effective and efficient method to address today's major causes and threats to health and wellness, as well as to address the emerging challenges that threaten health and wellness in the times to come. It has also proved to be a well-valued investment, as there is evidence that quality primary health care improves overall health care services efficiency and efficiency by reducing hospitalizations.

Addressing increasingly complex health problems requires a multi-sectoral approach that integrates health-promoting and preventive policies, solutions that respond to communities, and healthcare services that are people-centered. Primary health care includes important components that are essential in improving health security and preventing health threats such as epidemics and antimicrobial resistance through community participation and education, prudent evaluation, and important general well-being activities like oversight. Carrying out systems at the community and peripheral health facility level contributes to sustainability, which is critical for health systems to withstand shocks.

(c) More powerful primary health care is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and global health coverage. It will contribute to the achievement of other goals beyond the Health Goal (SDG3), including poverty, hunger, gender equality, clean water and security, work and economic development, reducing inequality and climate action.

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