Your nails detect your diseases ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Your nails detect your diseases

The human body works in amazing ways. One of its great features is that it also informs about health problems and nutritional status through its different responses. Our nails also play an important role in highlighting these problems. Nails give these 10 health warnings:-

1-Thick nails -
Generally this condition of nails is due to fungal infection but if it is taken seriously, then it also causes arthritis, diabetes, lung infection, eczema, psoriasis. Reasons such as hardening and thickening of nails, yellowing, decreased growth can be behind them.

2-Nail color-
Discoloration or discoloration of nails indicates any kind of infection, nutritional deficiency or problems with the internal organs of the body. Brown or dark nails can be due to thyroid or malnutrition, while white nails are a sign of iron deficiency.

3-Weak and brittle nails-
Dry, weak and brittle nails, which break quickly, are directly related to thyroid or fungal infection. It can also be caused by a type of fungus that appears as a rash on your skin and mouth.

4-Wrinkled nails-
This problem can occur in the nail due to lack of nutrition during cell division, infection in the nail or injury in any finger. At the same time, it also happens due to lack of nutrition, chemotherapy, diabetes, extreme temperature.

5-White line-Often a white line appears on the edge of the nails. This can be a symptom of lack of protein in the blood. Not only this, liver disease can also be due to lack of nutrition or stress.

6-Spoon shaped–If your nails are spoon shaped, it could also be due to koilonychia disease indicating hypochromic anemia. Such nails also indicate liver problems.

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7-White marks or scratched nails-
If you see such stains on your nails, then it may be a genetic problem. However, cirrhosis or eczema also comes under this symptom.

8- Red or brown stripe-
There is nothing to panic when there is a red or brown stripe on the underside of the nail, but if the symptoms of arthritis or psoriasis are also felt, then definitely see the doctor at once.

9- Yellowing of the nails-
Yellowish color of the nails of the fingers of the hands, although it can be due to excessive use of nail polish, but it can also be due to serious reasons like fungal infection or psoriasis. Blue or gray nails mean that your body is not getting enough oxygen and needs oxygen.

10- Dark streaks-
If you see dark stripes on your nail, which are usually harmless, but it can also be a sign of a type of skin cancer, which is in your thumb or finger . If this happens, definitely see a doctor.

 So, get into a look of your nails today and if found anything suspicious then contact your physician immediately so that precautions or cure can be taken on time.

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