Third month of pregnancy: How important it is? ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Third month of pregnancy: How important it is?

Pregnancy is a phase that requires special care, so that the pregnant woman herself remains healthy and can give birth to a healthy baby. Here we are talking about the third month of pregnancy. The third month of pregnancy brings all kinds of changes in the pregnant woman's body. During this, the development of the child also starts happening rapidly, which can be easily felt.

Symptoms of third month of pregnancy-

1. Morning sickness: By the third month of pregnancy, the feeling of vomiting and nausea can reach its peak, but by the end of the month this problem will start decreasing. Most pregnant women come out of problems like vomiting by the end of the first trimester.

2. Fatigue: During pregnancy, changes in hormonal levels make a woman feel sleepy and tired. Since the body needs extra blood to supply essential nutrients in the womb, it affects your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making you feel tired.

3. Frequent urination: Due to the production of HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone in the body, there may be a problem of more urination than before. The increase in blood volume puts pressure on your kidneys. Apart from this, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, due to which you may also have problems with frequent urination.

4. Constipation: The increase in progesterone hormone levels during the third month of pregnancy slows down the digestion process, which can lead to constipation. Improper diet can also be a cause of constipation.

5. Vaginal discharge: There may be a slight increase in vaginal discharge due to high levels of estrogen 

6. Cramps in legs: During this time, while sleeping at night, cramps and pain in the legs can disturb the pregnant. Lack of potassium and iron can cause cramps during pregnancy.

7. Back pain and abdominal pain: Due to changes in hormonal levels, you may have back pain. Apart from this, due to the stretch in the growing uterus, pain is felt in the lower part of the abdomen.

8. Change in temperament: Due to the hormonal changes taking place in your body during the third trimester, there may be changes in your temperament. In such a situation, problems like irritability, getting angry on talk and crying for no reason are natural.

9. Bleeding gums: Changes in hormonal levels can lead to swelling and bleeding gums. For this, you should take special care of the cleanliness of the mouth.

10. Heartburn: As the baby develops in the womb, it slows down the process of digesting food. Your growing uterus starts putting pressure on the abdomen, which leads to irritation.

11. Heart to eat again and again: The pregnant woman will have the heart to eat something again and again. Also, at times you will not like the smell of your own favorite food.

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Changes in the body in the third month of pregnancy-
The third month of pregnancy brings many changes in the body. In this, not only do you need to adopt the right lifestyle, but you have to take special care of the diet. However, below we are telling what changes happen in the body in the third month:

How much does your belly grow in the third month?

By the third month of pregnancy, your uterus becomes the size of a grape. Not only the stomach, but by the third month there are other changes in the body, which are as follows:

1. Breasts become heavy: During this period, milk may start to form in the breasts, due to which they may become heavy. In addition, the color around the nipple may darken.

2. Visible veins: As the amount of blood in your body increases, your heart starts pumping faster. It is common for veins to appear on the breasts.

3. Weight gain: By the third month of pregnancy, the pregnant may start gaining weight. It is okay to gain one to two kilos in the third month. Since the fetus is still small, it is not good to gain more weight than this. However, some women lose weight due to morning sickness.

4. Visible stretch marks: Stretch marks can also be seen in the third month of pregnancy due to the enlargement of the abdomen and breasts.

5. Dry skin and itching: Due to changing hormones, the skin can become dry, which can cause itching problem. It can be relieved by using glycerin soap or moisturizer.

6. Black streak on the abdomen: Due to the hormonal changes in pregnancy, a black streak emerges on the lower part of the abdomen by the third month. It is called linea nigra in medical language.

Baby's growth and size in the third month of pregnancy-
You can feel the changes in your body, but in the third month the baby's movements cannot be felt. Lack of movement in the womb can make you nervous or upset, but there is no need to panic. Here, we will tell how the baby develops in the womb till the third month:

By the third month, the size of the fetus in the womb is the size of a berry or a lemon.

By the end of the third month, that is, by the 12th week, your baby is about 2.5 inches long. Its weight can be around 28 grams. During this the child's heart starts working. The development of kidneys, eyes and genitals takes place in this month.

Diet in third month of pregnancy-
Before pregnancy, you were eating only for yourself and your choice, but now you are eating not only for yourself, but also for your baby. In such a situation, it is important that you take special care of your food and drink. Take special care of what you should and should not eat in this condition:

What to eat in third month of pregnancy?
Foods rich in Vitamin-6: The problem of nausea is very high this month. For this, you should eat foods rich in Vitamin-B6. Include eggs, green leafy vegetables etc in your diet.

Fresh Fruit Juice: Drinking fresh fruit juice is beneficial during pregnancy. It gives you all the essential vitamins.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are essential during pregnancy. For this, along with whole grains, include wheat flour bread, rice and potatoes in your diet.

Meat: If you are a non-vegetarian, consume meat during pregnancy. Just make sure the meat is well cooked.

Iron and Folate: Iron and folate are very important for the development of the baby in the womb. Due to its deficiency, there is a risk of many physical disorders in the baby. Therefore, make sure to include iron and folate in your diet. For this, include beetroot, chikoo, oatmeal, beans, orange, potato, broccoli, egg and green vegetables.

Dairy products: Since calcium is needed by both you and your baby, include dairy products in your diet to make up for it. For this, take milk, curd, cheese and ghee etc.

What should not be eaten in the third month of pregnancy?
Below we are going to tell what should not be eaten in the third month of pregnancy:

Junk food and alcohol: Avoid junk food, alcohol and tobacco etc. in the third month of pregnancy. Apart from this, reduce the consumption of tea, coffee and chocolate etc. (9).

Sea food: It would be better to avoid seafood during this period, as they may contain high mercury, which is harmful to the fetus.

Canned food: Do not eat canned food during pregnancy. Be it pickle or juice. Actually, some chemicals are added to make them run for a long time, which are harmful to health.

Raw meat and raw eggs: Do not eat raw meat and raw eggs during pregnancy. It contains bacteria called Salmonella and Listeria, which have a bad effect on the fetus.

Tips for a future father-
Taking care of the pregnancy is not only the responsibility of the pregnant but also the father to be. Therefore, the future father should also fulfill some of his special responsibilities, such as:

The physical condition of pregnant is weak, so try to support her in household chores. It is possible that pregnant women are cut off from other people to take care of themselves, so support them by being around them and do not let them feel lonely. You can also go out for a walk with your wife during this time.

Scans and tests during the third month of pregnancy-
Along with proper diet, regular exercise, regular medical check-up is also necessary during pregnancy. Know, what tests and scans are done in the third month of pregnancy:

* Weight and blood pressure will be checked.

* Abdominal measurements can be taken to determine the size of the uterus.

* In this month, you will be able to hear the heartbeat of the baby.

* Lab tests to be done in the third month of pregnancy:

* Urine test to check sugar and protein levels.

A sample of your blood will be taken to check the Rh factor in the blood. It measures the amount of protein in the blood. If you have swelling in your hands and feet, a fluid retention test is done for that.

Precautions during the third month of pregnancy – Do's and Don'ts
In the third month of pregnancy, many precautions have to be taken while eating and exercising. Know what to do and what not to do during the third month.

*  Eat rich and nutritious food.
Get maximum rest.* Take necessary supplements as per doctor's advice. It is essential for the development of the child.
* Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating and always keep hands clean.

* The problem of bleeding gums is common during this time, so get your teeth checked up regularly.

* Be active. Think of the names of the children, put pictures of the children in the room. Doing this will reduce stress.

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