Hard Work: A Story ~ Total Health Solutions (Unit of Catch Creative Concepts)

Hard Work: A Story

hard work

Professor Karnik was a professor of botanical science. Once a few dastard students came in their class. As the professor came, all the students asked to gather all the information about a tree located on the college campus. Three dodging students thought, our friends are going, why do we waste their time in it? Will ask friends. The next day when they arrived in the class, the professor asked, "You must have visited the tree tomorrow."

So how many of you think that the tree will be 200 years old? Those three students thought, there is such a huge tree, at least three hundred years old will be there. The three raised their hands. The professor told him a story, once a king decided to find out how many people work in his state and how many people work only with things.

The king placed a large stone in the middle of a road and hid himself somewhere behind. Some landlords have passed from there first. They saw the stone and left the side. Then some officials of the court, ministers, soldiers, and villagers also ignored the stone. 

Then there a poor dhobi (Washerman) passed from there. He had a garment load on his back, but he stopped. He kept clothes and kept pushing the stone. After much effort, he removed the stone from the road. Under the stone, he got a bottle which had gold balls. (Washerman) Dhobi was very happy.

That is, whatever hard work it receives, its fruit. Yesterday when all the students came to that tree, they realized that the tree is not more than ten years old. The three of you were caught lying.

The End
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